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Identification of Plastic Properties through Spherical Indentation EI SCIE Scopus
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Indentation has become a promising tool to characterize the mechanical parameters of materials. In this work, herein, spherical indentations on elastic-perfectly plastic materials and strain-hardening materials are investigated through finite-element method (FEM) simulations. A new method to extract the yield strength and strain-hardening exponent from spherical indentation is proposed. The deviation of nominal contact pressure from Hertzian prediction is used as an indicator to determine the plastic parameters. The difference between Hertzian contact pressure and real contact pressure is also investigated for the estimation of contact radius during indentation process. Herein, a more convenient approach is provided in this analysis to directly determine the mechanical parameters of elastic-plastic materials from spherical indentation tests. Validation of this method is presented in the form of a comparison between analytical stress-strain relationships and corresponding curves obtained via iterative FEM simulations of the indentation process. No experimental data are involved in this validation.

Keyword :

elastic-plastic contact indentation strain hardening yield strength


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GB/T 7714 Ding, Yue , Yuan, Wei-Ke , Liang, Xuan-Ming et al. Identification of Plastic Properties through Spherical Indentation [J]. | ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS , 2022 , 24 (11) .
MLA Ding, Yue et al. "Identification of Plastic Properties through Spherical Indentation" . | ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS 24 . 11 (2022) .
APA Ding, Yue , Yuan, Wei-Ke , Liang, Xuan-Ming , Wang, Gang-Feng , Niu, Xinrui . Identification of Plastic Properties through Spherical Indentation . | ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS , 2022 , 24 (11) .
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Elastic Contact Analysis of Shot-Peened Rough Surfaces SCIE Scopus
期刊论文 | 2022 , 10 (12) | LUBRICANTS
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Shot peening can effectively improve the mechanical performance of metal components, and thus has been widely employed in the engineering field. During the processing, the surface roughness of treated components will be completely changed, which could strongly affect their tribological behavior. However, few of the existing contact models are directed toward the rough surfaces generated by shot peening. In this study, the normal contact response between a shot-peened surface and a rigid plane is investigated based on the finite element method and the recently developed incremental contact model. The elastic contacts of the rough surfaces experimentally measured on three different shot-peened specimens are considered. Contrary to the conventional rough contact models, it is found that the dependence of the external load on the real contact area for the shot-peened surfaces is not at all linear, even for light loads. The slope of the area-load curve significantly varies at two transition points, which are intrinsically linked to the special structure of shot-peened surfaces.

Keyword :

contact mechanics finite element method rough surface shot peening


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GB/T 7714 Dai, Wanlin , Yuan, Weike , Wang, Gangfeng . Elastic Contact Analysis of Shot-Peened Rough Surfaces [J]. | LUBRICANTS , 2022 , 10 (12) .
MLA Dai, Wanlin et al. "Elastic Contact Analysis of Shot-Peened Rough Surfaces" . | LUBRICANTS 10 . 12 (2022) .
APA Dai, Wanlin , Yuan, Weike , Wang, Gangfeng . Elastic Contact Analysis of Shot-Peened Rough Surfaces . | LUBRICANTS , 2022 , 10 (12) .
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A friction model of fractal rough surfaces accounting for size dependence at nanoscale SCIE Scopus
期刊论文 | 2022 , 233 (1) , 69-81 | ACTA MECHANICA
SCOPUS Cited Count: 7
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Traditional laws of friction believe that the friction coefficient of two specific solids takes a constant value. However, molecular simulations revealed that the friction coefficient of nanosized asperity depends strongly on contact size and asperity radius. Since contacting surfaces are always rough consisting of asperities varying dramatically in geometric size, a theoretical model is developed to predict the friction behavior of fractal rough surfaces in this work. The result of atomic-scale simulations of sphere-on-flat friction is summarized into a uniform expression. Then, the size dependent feature of friction at nanoscale is incorporated into the analysis of fractal rough surfaces. The obtained results display the dependence of friction coefficient on roughness, material properties, and load. It is revealed that the friction coefficient decreases with increasing contact area or external load. This model gives a theoretical guideline for the prediction of friction coefficient and the design of friction pairs.


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GB/T 7714 Liang, X. M. , Wang, G. F. . A friction model of fractal rough surfaces accounting for size dependence at nanoscale [J]. | ACTA MECHANICA , 2022 , 233 (1) : 69-81 .
MLA Liang, X. M. et al. "A friction model of fractal rough surfaces accounting for size dependence at nanoscale" . | ACTA MECHANICA 233 . 1 (2022) : 69-81 .
APA Liang, X. M. , Wang, G. F. . A friction model of fractal rough surfaces accounting for size dependence at nanoscale . | ACTA MECHANICA , 2022 , 233 (1) , 69-81 .
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An Incremental Contact Model for Rough Surfaces of Strain-Hardening Solids EI SCIE Scopus
SCOPUS Cited Count: 6
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

The load-area relation of rough surfaces is of great interest in tribology. For elastic-plastic solids with strain hardening, an incremental model is adopted to analyze the contact of rough surfaces, in which the contact is modeled by accumulation of equivalent circular contacts with varying radius. For three typical rough surfaces with various material properties, comparisons with direct finite element calculations demonstrate the efficiency of this incremental contact model. An approximate linear relation between load and contact area is predicted by both methods up to a contact fraction of 15%. The influence of yield stress and strain-hardening exponent on the load-area proportionality is presented. This work gives a simple while effective method to calculate the load-area relation for rough contact of strain-hardening materials.

Keyword :

Contact mechanics finite element method rough surfaces strain hardening


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GB/T 7714 Ding, Yue , Liang, Xuanming , Wang, Gangfeng . An Incremental Contact Model for Rough Surfaces of Strain-Hardening Solids [J]. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED MECHANICS , 2022 , 14 (08) .
MLA Ding, Yue et al. "An Incremental Contact Model for Rough Surfaces of Strain-Hardening Solids" . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED MECHANICS 14 . 08 (2022) .
APA Ding, Yue , Liang, Xuanming , Wang, Gangfeng . An Incremental Contact Model for Rough Surfaces of Strain-Hardening Solids . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED MECHANICS , 2022 , 14 (08) .
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Elastic-Perfectly Plastic Contact of Rough Surfaces: An Incremental Equivalent Circular Model EI SCIE Scopus
WoS CC Cited Count: 1 SCOPUS Cited Count: 12
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

In this paper, an incremental equivalent contact model is developed for elastic-perfectly plastic solids with rough surfaces. The contact of rough surface is modeled by the accumulation of circular contacts with varying radius, which is estimated from the geometrical contact area and the number of contact patches. For three typical rough surfaces with various mechanical properties, the present model gives accurate predictions of the load-area relation, which are verified by direct finite element simulations. An approximately linear load-area relation is observed for elastic-plastic contact up to a large contact fraction of 15%, and the influence of yield stress is addressed.

Keyword :

contact contact area contact mechanics elastic-perfectly plastic solid rough surfaces


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GB/T 7714 Liang, X. M. , Ding, Y. , Duo, Y. et al. Elastic-Perfectly Plastic Contact of Rough Surfaces: An Incremental Equivalent Circular Model [J]. | JOURNAL OF TRIBOLOGY-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME , 2022 , 144 (5) .
MLA Liang, X. M. et al. "Elastic-Perfectly Plastic Contact of Rough Surfaces: An Incremental Equivalent Circular Model" . | JOURNAL OF TRIBOLOGY-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME 144 . 5 (2022) .
APA Liang, X. M. , Ding, Y. , Duo, Y. , Yuan, W. K. , Wang, G. F. . Elastic-Perfectly Plastic Contact of Rough Surfaces: An Incremental Equivalent Circular Model . | JOURNAL OF TRIBOLOGY-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME , 2022 , 144 (5) .
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A new analytical model for the flattening of Gaussian rough surfaces EI SCIE Scopus
WoS CC Cited Count: 1 SCOPUS Cited Count: 14
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

This paper advances an analytical incremental contact model for the purely elastic or elastic-perfectly plastic Gaussian rough surfaces. The contact is modelled by the accumulation of identical circular contacts with radius given by the total truncated area at varying heights divided by the contact patch number. The contact area-load relationship is derived analytically, showing approximate linearity for the contact fraction up to 10%. Good agreement is found between the new proposed model and the direct finite element simulations. To characterize the influence of plastic deformation, a dimensionless plasticity parameter is introduced as the ratio of yield strain to root mean square gradient of the rough surface. It is demonstrated that the general elastic-plastic contact response would approach to the limit of purely elastic as the plasticity parameter increases.

Keyword :

Contact area Contact mechanics Elastic contact Elastic-plastic contact Rough surfaces


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GB/T 7714 Wang, Sihe , Yuan, Weike , Liang, Xuanming et al. A new analytical model for the flattening of Gaussian rough surfaces [J]. | EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MECHANICS A-SOLIDS , 2022 , 94 .
MLA Wang, Sihe et al. "A new analytical model for the flattening of Gaussian rough surfaces" . | EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MECHANICS A-SOLIDS 94 (2022) .
APA Wang, Sihe , Yuan, Weike , Liang, Xuanming , Wang, Gangfeng . A new analytical model for the flattening of Gaussian rough surfaces . | EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MECHANICS A-SOLIDS , 2022 , 94 .
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Statistical Characterization of the Yield Stress of Nanoparticles EI SCIE CSCD
期刊论文 | 2021 , 34 (2) , 149-156 | ACTA MECHANICA SOLIDA SINICA
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Atomistic simulations are performed to study the statistical mechanical properties of gold nanoparticles. It is demonstrated that the yielding behavior of gold nanoparticles is governed by the dislocation nucleation around surface steps. Since the nucleation of dislocation is an activated process with the aid of thermal fluctuation, the yield stress at a specific temperature should vary statistically rather than being a definite constant value. Molecular dynamics simulations reveal that the yield stress follows a Gaussian distribution at a specific temperature. As the temperature increases, the mean value of yield stress decreases while the width of distribution becomes larger. Based on the numerical analysis, the dependence of mean yield stress on temperature can be well described by a parabolic function. This study illuminates the statistical features of the yielding behavior of nanostructured elements.

Keyword :

Gaussian distribution Gold nanoparticle Molecular dynamics Yield stress


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GB/T 7714 Yang, Liang , Bian, Jianjun , Yuan, Weike et al. Statistical Characterization of the Yield Stress of Nanoparticles [J]. | ACTA MECHANICA SOLIDA SINICA , 2021 , 34 (2) : 149-156 .
MLA Yang, Liang et al. "Statistical Characterization of the Yield Stress of Nanoparticles" . | ACTA MECHANICA SOLIDA SINICA 34 . 2 (2021) : 149-156 .
APA Yang, Liang , Bian, Jianjun , Yuan, Weike , Wang, Gangfeng . Statistical Characterization of the Yield Stress of Nanoparticles . | ACTA MECHANICA SOLIDA SINICA , 2021 , 34 (2) , 149-156 .
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An experimental study on the relation between friction force and real contact area SCIE PubMed
期刊论文 | 2021 , 11 (1) | SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Classical laws of friction suggest that friction force is proportional to the normal load and independent of the nominal contact area. As a great improvement in this subject, it is now widely accepted that friction force is proportional to the real contact area, and much work has been conducted based on this hypothesis. In present study, this hypothesis will be carefully revisited by measuring the friction force and real contact area in-site and real-time at both normal loading and unloading stages. Our experiments reveal that the linear relation always holds between friction force and normal load. However, for the relation between friction force and real contact area, the linearity holds only at the loading stage while fails at the unloading stage. This study may improve our understanding of the origin of friction.


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GB/T 7714 Liang, X. M. , Xing, Y. Z. , Li, L. T. et al. An experimental study on the relation between friction force and real contact area [J]. | SCIENTIFIC REPORTS , 2021 , 11 (1) .
MLA Liang, X. M. et al. "An experimental study on the relation between friction force and real contact area" . | SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 11 . 1 (2021) .
APA Liang, X. M. , Xing, Y. Z. , Li, L. T. , Yuan, W. K. , Wang, G. F. . An experimental study on the relation between friction force and real contact area . | SCIENTIFIC REPORTS , 2021 , 11 (1) .
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Modelling tangential contact problem with surface stress EI SCIE Scopus
期刊论文 | 2021 , 91 | Solids
WoS CC Cited Count: 2 SCOPUS Cited Count: 3
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

In this paper, we investigate the effects of surface stress on the spherical contact problem under combined normal and lateral loads. The boundary element method based on fast Fourier transform and conjugate gradient algorithm is employed to perform the contact analysis with partial slip. It is shown that as the size of contact reduces to the characteristic scale that surface stress dominates, the contact behavior will significantly deviate from the classical model. Under the same loading condition, the tangential traction within contact region tends to distribute more evenly and the width of slip zone would be relatively smaller due to the presence of surface stress. In addition, it is found that the variations of the total tangential force and the lateral contact stiffness with respect to the lateral displacement depend strongly on the contact scale. This work provides a theoretical basis for the study of contact and friction of some soft materials and biological systems. © 2021 Elsevier Masson SAS

Keyword :

Boundary element method Conjugate gradient method Fast Fourier transforms Sailing vessels Stress analysis Surface properties


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GB/T 7714 Yuan, Weike , Zheng, Yanbin , Wang, Gangfeng . Modelling tangential contact problem with surface stress [J]. | Solids , 2021 , 91 .
MLA Yuan, Weike et al. "Modelling tangential contact problem with surface stress" . | Solids 91 (2021) .
APA Yuan, Weike , Zheng, Yanbin , Wang, Gangfeng . Modelling tangential contact problem with surface stress . | Solids , 2021 , 91 .
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Influence of Equi-Biaxial Residual Stress on Spherical Indentation of Strain Hardening Materials EI SCIE
WoS CC Cited Count: 2
Abstract&Keyword Cite

Abstract :

Residual stress plays an important role in the mechanical performance of engineering structures. In this paper, the indentation of pre-stressed strain hardening materials by a rigid sphere is simulated through the finite element method. It is shown that the mean contact pressure in the post-yield regime keeps continuously increasing with the indentation proceeding. Compared to the case without residual stress, compressive residual stress tends to increase the mean contact pressure at a given indentation depth, while tensile stress has an inverse effect. To quantitatively indicate the influence of residual stress, a nominal contact pressure is defined, which obtains its maximum value at a critical depth. The dependences of the maximum nominal pressure and the critical indentation depth on the residual stress and the material properties are determined explicitly through large numbers of simulations. Inspired by the nominal pressure deviation stemmed from residual stress, a new approach is proposed for measuring residual stress through spherical indentation tests.

Keyword :

hardening effect Indentation mean contact pressure residual stress


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GB/T 7714 Liang, Tong , Yuan, Weike , Wang, Gangfeng . Influence of Equi-Biaxial Residual Stress on Spherical Indentation of Strain Hardening Materials [J]. | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED MECHANICS , 2021 , 13 (5) .
MLA Liang, Tong et al. "Influence of Equi-Biaxial Residual Stress on Spherical Indentation of Strain Hardening Materials" . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED MECHANICS 13 . 5 (2021) .
APA Liang, Tong , Yuan, Weike , Wang, Gangfeng . Influence of Equi-Biaxial Residual Stress on Spherical Indentation of Strain Hardening Materials . | INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED MECHANICS , 2021 , 13 (5) .
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